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Accueil du site > 05. Conferences GDRE > 02. Conference GDR 2014 - Gregynog - Wales

Abstract submission & Templates

par Béatrice Desoudin - 23 avril 2014

We only ask for an extended abstract. It will be of most 4 pages and intends to provide more details than what is usually presented in a short abstract.

For those who want to fill 4 pages, it could be considered as a short paper. It must display the work to be presented including results and references, and aims at encouraging informal discussions during the conference as well as facilitating contacts after.

The collection of abstracts will be given to participants at the opening of the conference. All the abstracts should be written using strictly the template provided on the web site, either for Latex file or Word file.

Upload the templates :

Word - 67 ko
Template Word-GDR
Zip - 43.8 ko
Template Latex

Deadline for submission of four-pages maximum : April 30th 2014.

You should send your completed file to this address : Abstract box  

** Please could you write in the subject for example : GDR-Abstract-yourname.