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Accueil du site > 05. Conferences GDRE > 01. Conference GDR 2015 - Aussois

7th to 11th December - Aussois - Ninth GDR Conference

par Béatrice Desoudin - 6 septembre 2015

A CNRS research network (GDR 2501) has been running in France for ten years, in cooperation with English researchers for the last four years. It linked groups of academics and researchers in Ultrasonic Wave Phenomena with each other, and with industrial research centres and companies. The teams involved focused particularly on the theoretical end of the research spectrum, and include mathematicians, physicists and engineers.

The Network, which is a European Research Network (GDRE) entitled « Wave Propagation in Complex Media for Quantitative and Non Destructive Evaluation » aims at giving opportunities for interactions between researchers on the occasion of informal meetings, workshops and colloquia, alternatively in France and in the UK.

- adhesion,

- propagation in composites and thin domains,

- guided waves, non-linearities in acoustics,

- inverse problems and imaging, structural noise.