Accueil du site > 05. Conferences GDRE > 03. Conference GDR 2012 - Oléron
- 21 mars 2012
Meeting’s place
• Villages Vacances CAES / CNRS - La Vieille Perrotine -
140, route des Allards - 17310 Saint Pierre d’Oléron
Phone : 33 (0)5 46 47 01 49
• Some information about this place >
• The airport La Rochelle and the railway station (La Rochelle and Rochefort) are 80 km / 45 km far from the VVF. Book your cheap low cost flights on [] from London Stansted to La Rochelle Laleu.
• Transport
Buses will be provided : Sunday 20th May at the end of the afternoon and Friday 25th May after lunch.
In case of others arrivals, please contact Mrs Beatrice Desoudin who will pick up you at the airport or railway station. Her mobile will be given to you later.
By car : Motorway A10 issues Rochefort or Saintes.
In the island, follow direction Dolus, take the road CD 126 to Boyardville, the village is approximately 2 km after the place « Les Allards ».
GPS information : 1°15 West, 45°47, 148 North.
• The welcome of the participants begin on Sunday 20th May from 5 o’clock PM at the Village.
• Meeting will begin on Monday 21st May at 9 o’clock AM (the time will be confirmed later) where badges, final program and abstracts will be given.
• Meeting will end before Friday’s lunch.
• Hardware available
1 mac et 1 PC
4 paper-boards with refill
3 white boards (180x90 cm, 70x35 in)
20 180x130 cm (70x50 in) double-sided exhibition hanging boards
3 2x2 m (80x80 in) standing projection screens
2 TV sets
Boards and seats for 200 persons and 70 pad attached chairs
Fixed and mobile sound wiring
2 slide projectors
2 overhead projectors