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Accueil du site > 05. Conferences GDRE > 02. Conference GDR 2014 - Gregynog - Wales

22nd - 27th June 2014 - Gregynog - Eighth GDR Conference

par Béatrice Desoudin - 24 juin 2013

The new Network, which is now a European Research Network (GDRE) entitled « Wave Propagation in Complex Media for Quantitative and Non Destructive Evaluation » aims at giving opportunities for interactions between researchers on the occasion of informal meetings, workshops and colloquia, alternatively in France and in the UK.   In order to intensify links and collaborations between the teams involved, the organizers of the up-coming Gregynog Colloquium express the strong wish that all the presentations become available to all participants. The topics remain the same as those of the previous Conferences :

- adhesion,

- propagation in composites and thin domains,

- guided waves, non-linearities in acoustics,

- inverse problems and imaging, structural noise.