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Accueil du site > 04. GDR Workshops > 01. January 2014 - Nonlinear Acoustics

January 9-10, 2014

par Béatrice Desoudin - 27 octobre 2013

Workshop organized by Mourad Bentahar LAUM Le Mans, Bruno Lombard, Joseph Moysan, Cédric Payan Aix-Marseille University and LMA.


The CNRS research network GDRE-US will organize the next workshop dedicated to nonlinear acoustics at the IUT d’Aix-Marseille in Aix en Provence (France) on January 9-10, 2014. This workshop will be a good opportunity for participants, whose research topics are in the field of nonlinear acoustics, to focus on the recent advances in material and contact nonlinearities.

The first announced speakers are : Koen Van Den Abeele, Vitali Gusev, Igor Solodov, Claudio Pecorari, Marco Scalerandi, Stéphane Junca, Anissa Meziane, Guillaume Renaud, Vincent Tournat, Cédric Payan, Mourad Bentahar.

We also warmly welcome contributions from PhD students and invite them to participate to the workshop.

The « ANR project ISABEAU » (Innovating for Structural Adhesive Bonding Evaluation and Analysis with Ultrasounds ) supports this conference.



Thursday 9th January

9h00 - Welcome and introduction from the organizers

• Koen Van Den Abeele (Nonlinear Elastic Wave Spectroscopy combined with Time Reversal for the localization of defects)

• Marco Scalerandi (Use of the power law exponent in nonlinear acoustics for NDT applications)

• Stéphane Junca (Some nonlinear modes for a discrete mechanical system with rigid contact)

• Claudio Pecorari (Modeling the nonlinear hysteric response of materials with damage and microstructure)

• Anissa Meziane (Numerical study of non linear bulk wave interaction between wave and closed cracks. Application of nonlinear mixing method to Nondestructive Testing of a closed crack)

• Igor Solodov (Resonance acoustic nonlinearity of defects for advanced ultrasonic NDT applications)

• Cédric Payan (Nonlinear diffuse ultrasound in concrete)

Friday 10th January

• Vitali Gusev (Probing of crack breathing by continuous and pulsed laser-generated acoustic pulses)

• Mourad Ben Tahar (Frequency dispersion of nonlinear parameters in damaged composites : a guided wave approach)

• Vincent Tournat (Pulse distortion by purely hysteretic nonlinearity for rotation wave propagation in a granular chain)

• Guillaume Renaud (Clearer images from contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging)

• 14h15 - 14h45 - Close and suggestions for next meeting

• Option for a visit of the NDT installations of the IUT d’Aix